Constitution & ByLaws


morning traditional Worship-11 AM II sun. night Celebrate Recovery-7pm

Constitution of the Bright Light Free Will Baptist Church of College Station, Texas


The name of this body of believers shall be the BRIGHT LIGHT FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH. The name of the church in all matters pertaining to the church, in signage, letterhead, or correspondence, must include the complete name of the church in lettering of equal font and weight.


The purpose of this body of believers is to glorify Christ, and to promote His Kingdom on earth by means of strict conformity to the Holy Scriptures.  This shall be done through a program of regular worship and prayer services, teaching, training services, and visitation.

ARTICLE III.  Membership

Upon consent of the body, believers in Christ are admitted as members of this church under either of the following conditions:

  1. Profession of faith and baptism; or
  2. Letter from a sister church; or
  3. Statement of faith and true piety; and
  4. Be willing to sign a profession of the doctrines and practices of the National Association of Free Will Baptists.

Membership in the local body entitles the member to:

  1. Vote in all business meetings;
  2. Bring forward agenda items, make motions, make amendments, comment on church business, etc.
  3. To be eligible to hold church offices.

ARTICLE IV.  Affiliation

  1. Denominational:   this Church embraces the Doctrine of Faith and Rules of Practice as set forth in the Treatise of the Faith and Practices of the National Association of Free Will Baptists, Inc., and is a member of the CENTRAL TEXAS DISTRICT ASSOCIATION, the TEXAS STATE ASSOCIATION, and the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FREE WILL BAPTISTS.
  2. Interdenominational:   This church may, when deemed expedient and wise, join with a Church or groups of Churches, and/or other Denominations or groups of Denominations of Protestant Faith, for the purpose of combating sin in its many forms, and advancing the cause of Christ, provided that in so doing our basic Free Will Baptist doctrine is not compromised.


ARTICLE V. Officers

The officers of this Church shall be the following:  Board of Deacons, Clerk, and Treasurer.

ARTICLE VI.  Church Council

There shall be Church Council consisting of the Pastor, the Board of Deacons, Clerk, Treasurer, Sunday School Superintendent, Music Director, Coordinator of the Women Nationally Active for Christ, and the elected head of any other approved auxiliary, or any combination if an office is unfilled.  A chairman and secretary shall be elected by the council to serve as documenter of meetings and correspondence as necessary.

ARTICLE VII.  Meetings

This body of believers will congregate:

  1. The Church shall meet to worship the Lord each Sunday, and Mid-week, and also other times as the need is felt of gathering for spiritual benefit and fellowship.
  2. The Church shall meet for business the first month of each quarter, i.e., January, April, July, and October.  The January meeting will be the annual business meeting, at which yearly reports are made  by the various officers and departments, and new officers are elected, having been nominated in the month of October.
  3. All business meetings will be held in the Church Sanctuary and will be recorded.  All speakers must use a microphone to facilitate completeness of the recording.
  4. The Church Council shall meet as the need arises, but not less than once per year., after the October meeting, but before the January meeting to prepare a budget proposal.
  5. The date of the Fall Revival will be brought up at the regular April meeting.

ARTICLE VIII.  Voting Body

At the moment a person, who is 18 years of age or older, is voted into the Church and receives the “right hand of fellowship”, he/she is considered a member in good standing with voting rights. All members of this Church who are 18 years of age or older and in good standing shall be eligible to vote in the business meeting. When a member, without providential reason, shall fail to manifest any interest in the church for a period of one year, showing no desire and no intent to return to the church, such member shall automatically become an inactive member and be no longer considered in good standing.


A quorum shall be decided by the type of business under discussion:

  1. In regular business meetings, a majority vote of those members present shall sustain motions of a routine nature, such as, the expenditure of funds in excess of $500.00, but not in excess of $5,000.00 not included in the annual budget.
  2. On matters of a controversial nature, such as the election or dismissal of a Pastor, removal from office of deacons or other officers of the Church, or disbursement of funds in excess of  $5000.00 not provided for in the annual budget, a majority of membership in good standing, whether present or not, shall be required to sustain a motion.
  3. In called meetings, a quorum shall be a majority of members in good standing, 18 years of age or older, with a two-thirds majority needed to sustain a motion, whether present or not.
  4. In order to sustain a motion to purchase, sell, or encumber real property or buildings, a two-thirds majority of members in good standing, whether present or not, shall be required.


This church shall conduct its business meetings in accordance with accepted Rules of Order as provided in the Bylaws.

ARTICLE XI.  Discipline

Any member having cause of complaint against another must seek to remove it as directed in Matthew 18:15-17. If this is not sufficient, a complaint shall be brought to the attention and council of the Board of Deacons who shall make every effort to resolve the issue between the parties and, failing that, report their findings and recommendation to the Church. All discipline shall be formulated and carried out in the Spirit of Christ, in meekness, and Godly fear, so that none fall by the way.

This Church shall have power to discipline any member for disorderly conduct or heresy and if labor with such person proves unsuccessful, fellowship may be withdrawn, per the instructions found in Matthew 18:15-17.  In such action, Part V, Chapter I, Section VIII, of the Treatise shall be observed.

ARTICLE XII.  Amendments

This constitution may be amended at any regular business meeting by a vote of two-thirds of membership in good standing, provided the proposed amendment is presented in writing at the last regular business meeting.


ARTICLE I.  Duties and Terms of Officers

Section 1:  Pastor

  1.  The question of calling a Pastor shall be taken into consideration only after the Pastor has submitted to the Church, in writing, a formal resignation, or after the Church, in conference, has requested his resignation.
  2. The Church shall call its Pastor out of the regularly ordained ministers, in accord with the qualifications set forth in 1 Timothy and Titus, on such terms as may be agreed upon between the two parties.
  3. The Pastor shall be given a thirty( 30) day notice if either the Pastor or the Church wishes to dissolve the contract.  In the absence of emergency termination, thought should be given to children of school age if the dissolution of the contract should not occur during summer recess.
  4. The Pastor is moderator of all meetings of the Church, and ex-officio member of all committees.  He has the authority to appoint committees or call special meetings upon the approval of the majority of the Board of Deacons., In the instance when the Pastor wishes to call a special meeting, he shall deliver a written request to the Board of Deacons stating the purpose of the meeting.  If the meeting is in regard to disciplinary action, the Pastor must include the accusation and the evidence supporting said accusation. Such meeting cannot be called without at least two Sundays elapse and the purpose of the call read aloud in the announcement portion of the service and printed in the bulletin both Sundays.
  5. The Pastor has the ability to fill vacancies temporarily until the next regular conference in consultation with his board of deacons.
  6. As moderator, the Pastor should meet with his board of deacons regularly to prepare the agenda for regularly scheduled meetings.  This agenda should be posted at least one week before the meeting.  All pending old business will be included.  Any new business will be added to the agenda if it is submitted prior to the publishing of agenda.  No business can be added to the agenda after the meeting has started.
  7. The Pastor shall faithfully preach the Word; have the general superintendent of the Church; be himself and example to the flock; visit the member especially the sick as he has opportunity; and to do all within his power to promote the religious interest of the Church, and to advance the cause of Christ among men.
  8. The Pastor, as a member of the Church, along with any other member of the Church, has the right to request access to church Clerk or Treasurers records but does not have control of said records. Requested Treasury records will maintain anonymity with regard to individual contributions. Control will remain with the Church Officer and the Board of Deacons.
  9. No member of the Pastor’s immediate family may serve in the capacity of an officer in the Church, except in the position of Officer of the Women Nationally Active for Christ or Children's Ministry Director. (2024)
  10. Should the Board of Deacons unanimously agree that the Pastor has violated the Bylaws and/or the Constitution of the Church, they have the right to suspend, with pay, the Pastor from all pulpit duties, pending an investigation and vote of the Church.

Section 2:  Deacons

  1. Deacons are ordained for life.  The Board of Deacons shall consist of no more than seven men.
  2. Deacons should be men distinguished among their brethren for piety, benevolence, and good business capacity, meeting the qualifications set forth in 1 Timothy.   They shall be ordained by prayer and laying on of hands by the ministry, holding office at the pleasure of the Church during the maintenance of Christian character, faithful service, and sound doctrine.
  3. It shall be the duty of the Board of Deacons to preserve order and discipline in the Church; to be vigilant for the Church’s welfare; to report to the Church promptly any matter which threatens its spiritual or physical well-being; to administer the benevolence of the Church; to serve at the Lord’s Supper; and to conduct meetings in the absence of the Pastor.
  4. The Board of Deacons together with the Pastor shall constitute a committee, to promote the general program of the Church, and to see that efficient Scriptural discipline be enforced.
  5. The Board of Deacons shall serve as a pulpit committee.
  6. The Deacons shall act as Asst. Moderator to the Pastor.

Section 3:  Treasurer

  1. The Treasurer shall receive, hold, and disburse all funds of the Church; shall keep records of all money received, and of all money paid out.  The Treasurer shall make a condensed report at each quarterly conference, and a complete record to the annual conference, and at any other time upon the request of the Pastor or Council.  The Treasurer is authorized to disburse funds as stipulated in the budget, and other amounts that may be agreed upon by the Church in orderly business meetings.
  2. The outgoing Treasurer shall within one month after the annual conference at which his/her successor is elected, turn over to the elected Treasurer all money, books, and papers in his/her custody.
  3. The Treasurer must be a qualified accountant.
  4. The term of the office of Treasurer shall be one year.

Section 4:  Clerk

  1. It is the duty of the Clerk to keep a church book and in it record the Church covenant; the Church constitution and Bylaws; the names of the members; and all proceedings of the church in the exercise of the discipline and management of its temporal affairs.  The Clerk signs all letters and other communication made by the authority of the Church, with the exception of those matters the Church has authorized the Pastor or other Officers to endorse.
  2. Membership records must remain in the Church office and be updated as required by the Clerk.
  3. The Clerk must be able to record and transcribe meeting minutes and maintain Church records.
  4. The term of the Clerk shall be one year.

Section 5:  Music Director

  1. The Music Director will be responsible for the total music programs of the Church. In that role, the Music Director will coordinate the order of services with the Pastor and will select or approve the worship music for each service.
  2. The Music Director will also prepare the special music schedule and accompaniment schedule for each service and distribute those schedules to all respective participants.
  3. The qualifications for this position is the ability to read music.
  4. The term of the Music Director will be one year.

ARTICLE II.  Council

The Council shall have the function of an Executive Committee of the Church, attending to routine business matters between regular business meetings.  The Church Council should meet between the October meeting and the January meeting to prepare a budget proposal to take to the Church for approval.

ARTICLE III.  Purchase, Sale, or Use of Property

Section 1:  Real Estate

  1. Land or buildings may be bought, sold, or encumbered only as authorized by two-thirds majority vote of the Church as set forth in Article IX of the Constitution.  Such action shall be taken only after the Council has presented to the Church a recommendation in writing with details of proposed transactions, and notice posted in regular church bulletin two times, and at least one newsletter posted to each church family at least one week before contemplated action. No such action shall be taken without the unanimous written consent of the Board of Deacons.
  2. The Pastor, nor anyone else acting alone without church consent, may not place liens of any kind against Church property.
  3. If, in the opinion of the Council, it becomes necessary to expedite action, meetings may be called to deal with the situation, but in no case can final action be taken until the above provisions have been met.

Section 2: Organic division or disassociation of the Church.  

In the event of an organic division or disassociation of the church membership, the church property, buildings, furnishings, equipment, and funds shall belong to those members, minority or not, who abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of the church, and/or the Treatise of the Faith and Practices of the National Association of Free Will Baptists.

Section 3: Dissolution of the Church.  

Should a condition arise at any time, for any reason, that Bright Light Free Will Baptist Church cannot continue its affiliation with the National Association of Free Will Baptists, and/or the Texas Association of Free Will Baptists, and/or the Central Texas District of Free Will Baptists, then the ownership of the church property, buildings, equipment, and funds shall revert or be transferred to the Central Texas District of Free Will Baptists, the Texas State Association of Free Will Baptists, and/or the National Association of Free Will Baptists in such distribution as is agreed upon by these respective groups.

Section 4:  Other

  1. Furnishings and equipment with a value over five hundred ($5000.00) dollars shall be bought or sold only by authorization of the Church, in either regular or called business meetings, provided that in called meetings the call is made at least one week in advance, and the purpose stated in the call.
  2. Furnishings, equipment, repairs to property, equipment, and other matters not in excess of $500.00 which are not included in the budget, may be authorized by the Council.
  3. Use of Church facilities by non-members
  1. The Church may from time to time allow its facilities to be used for other than religious purposes upon approval by the body.  These may include, but not limited to, elections held by County, State, or Federal officials, weddings, funerals, and other events as approved by the body.
  2. When a non-member wishes to be married at the Church, approval of the body will be required.   As certain types of legal unions are recognized by some secular authorities, the Church reserves to right to refuse the use of its facilities for such unions.  These may be in the form of homosexual unions, unions between individuals who may have a living spouse from whom they are not legally divorced, or any other form of union not sanctioned in the Word of God.
  3. Under no circumstances will the Church or its facilities be used for purposes that may include the use of intoxicating beverages or substances.
  4. When Church facilities are used by non-members, the body may require a deposit as determined by the body for cleaning and other purposes for the use of the facilities.


ARTICLE IV.  Government and Discipline

  1. This Church is an independent body of believers in so far as relates to its government, the transaction of its business, the choice of its officers, and discipline of its members.
  2. Although congregational in nature as an independent body, and affiliated with District, State, and National Associations, and members of these bodies, we recognize the connection and the right of appeal from the lower to next higher body by an aggrieved minority of the Church.
  3. We also recognize the right of the District Association to mediate with the local Church when it becomes aware of heresy or corrupt practice.
  4. The Board of Deacons reserves the right to request the presence of a District Officer at any special called meeting.


ARTICLE V.  Rules of Order

  1. General rules of order as set forth in the National Treatise By-Laws, Section 32 shall be observed.  The National Treatise follows Robert’s Rules of Order.
  2. The Moderator or chairman shall conduct business meetings with full respect for the rights of each individual member to be heard, to make motions, or to appeal the decision of the chair.
  3. The Moderator may make motions from the chair and comment on them, but has no vote except to break a tie.


ARTICLE VI.  Calling Evangelists

Recommendations for Evangelist and time of Fall revival/Homecoming will be brought up at the regular July business meeting.


ARTICLE VII.  Responsibilities of Church Officers

It is the responsibility of an officer to be present at Church, and that if any officer of the Church should miss Sundays, or more than one quarterly business meeting each year, unless providentially hindered, he/she will be eligible for dismissal.


ARTICLE VIII.  Dates of Communion

The dates of the Rites of Communion and Foot Washing will be at the discretion of the Pastor.


ARTICLE IX.  Amendments

These Bylaws void and supersede all previous Bylaws of this Church.  These Bylaws may be amended by two-thirds majority vote of church membership in good standing at any regular business meeting, provided that the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing at the last regular business meeting.
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