
morning traditional Worship-11 AM II sun. night Celebrate Recovery-7pm

New to Bright Light Free Will Baptist Church? Great! Start Here...

Have you been with a stirring in your soul? Is there a tugging in your heart pulling you toward a purpose or meaning? 

Are there gaps in your life you need filled, or lost in a place that needs rectifying? 

This could be the moment where you can seek why you are here and if you don't believe in God, explore the possibility of His existence.

Or, if you do believe, dive deeper into His character and why you are here.

We will have a variety of programs for men, women, youth, and children as well as ministries that will serve the communities around us.

We will also include in-depth studies and gatherings for specific areas of our lives that includes questions on why, when, and how.

Oh! What about that subject that people don't like to hear in church unless it is for us...forgiveness? How do we forgive others who have done unspeakable damage?

We will learn to process this all along with scripture and how it applies to our lives. 

We hope to chat, participate, serve, lead and most of all grow in a relationship with Jesus. along with you.

We are delighted to get to know you and learn about what God is doing in your life as well as at Bright Light Free Will Baptist Church.


If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us, you can click on the link here or come on down and visit.

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