"Like Newborn Infants"
*Read 1 Peter 2:1-3
Let us first peel back the layers of this onion. I have chosen to select what I feel are flag words from Peter as the message speaks from God.
Malice (hatred, spite, nastiness, cruelty, evil)
The most significant destruction has come from people who could not let go of their hatred over someone.
I say "someone" because generally, people seek fellowship, or harmony in the family, along with a sense of a belonging and so when it goes wrong, it is because of…someone.
A person who is hurt is a person who can feel the emotion of hate and if not handled, will then be passed on to someone else. That other person can act out as well but it depends on their circumstance on how that looks. The acting out of hatred can continue as long as someone lets it.
“History tells us how hate can be exploited to lead an entire nation to commit unspeakable crimes against a particular racial, religious, political, or ideological group.
If hate is left unchecked, it intensifies from intolerance to a wish to annihilate the other. Hate strips us of our humanity. Hate eliminates the ability to show empathic concern for the injustice done to others. Hate numbs the guilt and shame that we should feel for our prejudiced behavior. Most importantly, it eliminates our ability to understand why we feel this hatred and how to eliminate it by addressing the real issues that gave rise to it.
It strikes at the core of our humanity.”
(The Psychology of Hate Lobsang Rapgay Ph.D. -Psychology Today, 2018)
A quote from Booker T. Washington illustrates how we might push back on hatred. At a time when legislation perpetuated racism, Wahington refused to carry on the acts of hatred by rejecting the notion of a counterattack:
“I would permit no man, no matter what his color might be, to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him.”
(“Up From Slavery”, Booker T. Washington.)
Washington is mirroring Christ here as he is deciding to reject the emotion of hate stemming from the hatred poured out onto him.
Just as Jesus had trash thrown at Him, whipped, a crown of thorns placed on His head, and nailed to a cross, lovingly persisted to take it as the scapegoat for the very people who had done it and every other sinner who follows Him.
Washington took this queue by Jesus and refused hate but instead worked toward education and sought to provide one with the Tuskegee Institute.
Deceit (Dishonesty, trickery, fraud)
I have heard people from different professions look at deceit as a method of restitution.
I have heard those in law enforcement say, “…of all the stuff I have gone through and how I have been treated, I deserve this.” (Alluding to taking bribes or cheating the system.”)
Many marriages have gone bad and have led to either spouse looking toward a vengeful act or even one that might be gratifying like adultery.
Or in history, there are examples of Jesse James and Robin Hood who claimed the banner of “robbing the rich to give to the poor”.
However, both are examples of how one can see deceit as a way to rationalize leveling the playing field.
No matter how we see a deceitful act, it is always one more person picking up the sword of evil for the same benefit of the cause!
This leads us to…
Hypocrisy (insincerity, a two-face, double standard)
-Here is a delicate but high-impact aspect of the text. Peter is imploring each of us to avoid hypocrisy just as Jesus strongly charged the Pharisees with their own hypocrisy.
“While hypocrisy (as a form of lying) is intrinsically evil, we should be slow to judge someone a hypocrite if only because the marks of hypocrisy are ambiguous and its conditions exacting. There are many reasons why one's deeds may not accurately communicate one's character.
Consider Bruce, the self-identified health nut, who is caught eating junk food. He could simply be incontinent, that is, a man who sincerely believes one should only eat healthy food but who, in a moment of weakness, was overcome by his desire for Twinkies.
Alternatively, Bruce could be delusional: he could falsely believe that Twinkies are healthy when they are not. Again, Bruce could be an actor playing a health nut who intends to dissimulate but not to deceive. (All hypocrites are pretenders, but not all pretenders are hypocrites.)
Yet again, Bruce could be someone who wishes to be a health nut but only half-heartedly, and who therefore dissimulates negligently and not out of malice.”
(SCHULZ, J. W. "Hypocrisy as a Challenge to Christian Belief.")
The hypocrisy that Peter is warning us of, is insincerity, our intent to gain a personal benefit while looking to improve another.
Or the religious hypocrisy that leaves people with “church hurt”.
“Church hurt" is a negative feeling or emotional imprint on a person who has had a bad social experience while being in a church. Some have felt this way after attending a church and have been rejected, or ostracized. Church hurt doesn't necessarily come as theological topics are challenged, but instead, by the lack of empathy or acceptance of the congregation toward visitors or friends of a member. Also, it comes with the inability to seek humility while meeting new people. While insecurity can happen on either side, pride, and self-preservation destroys any possibility of fellowship.
It is unfortunately common for churches to grow inward rather than as a group of growing disciples. The church members are to be mature or become mature disciples in order to avoid the pitfalls of those entering their doors. In this, visitors can see the hope in them as members can by living examples. People with "church hurt" leave when visiting a fellowship of people who claim to live out the teaching of Christ yet, there is little to no humility.
Instead of open arms, growth, finding purpose, and all of it done with morality and led by the Holy Spirit there are tight clicks, limits on who can be allowed to participate, pride, and exceptions to God’s law when it is convenient.
We all struggle with hypocrisy on some level in our lives, but to be a continuously healthy church, we must acknowledge them as they are brought to us by God.
Instead, we often choose to look at ourselves and those around us as if all is well. This ignores our brokenness, our messiness, and our need for Jesus…together.
Envy (jealousy, resentment, spite)
-Envy is dangerous which is why Peter includes this in his message. God wants us to resist any desire for another's possessions along with any desire that is withheld in particular instances. Basic examples are desires for a better car, body, job, etc. while deeper desires can be cures, separation, love, etc.
It may be hard to hear that the desire to be cured of a disease can be envious, but when we struggle through it, our emotions can be elevated toward hatred...toward God.
- "Why doesn't God heal my sickness, why did He heal others?"
- "Why did he/she leave me?"
- "Why did he/she have to die?"
Questions such as these are difficult, and because they are so painful, they are that much more dangerous when not worked through. A deep resentment can grow against family, friends, or anyone else around which causes isolation and depression.
In my opinion, the greatest example of envy comes with the devil, when he was an angel of God.
Isaiah 14:12-15:
“How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low! You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God, I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’ But you are brought down to Sheol, to the far reaches of the pit.” (ESV)
Or, read how it translates in the New King James Version:
“How you are fallen from heaven, O [a]Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!13 For you have said in your heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north;14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’
15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, To the [b]lowest depths of the Pit.
The pinnacle of envy can be found in this portion of Scripture.
He was glorious!
Yet still, it wasn’t enough. It will never be enough when envious.
As Jesus said, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” (Luke 10:18)
In a past message, I mentioned how we need a scapegoat.
Someone to blame for our hurts.
I said how Jesus taught us not to hold onto the hatred and so, we must recoil our pointed fingers at others.
Well, when we are envious, we often blame someone for not having what or who we want however that looks.
Often, we feel justified, which is why envy creeps in.
-Thus, envy can be the leading factor in filling a void in the form of porn addictions, substance abuse, workaholics, bitterness, depression, and on and on…
Slander (defamation, character assassination, the utterance of false charges or misrepresentations which defame and damage another's reputation.)
If you have EVER been accused of something you did not do…
…is it not a desperate attempt to make it known that you are not that or did not do that?
Slander can often happen through unrighteous judgment.
This means the religious leaders before the crucifixion were supposed to be preserving God’s law.
They should have been the first to see that Jesus was the savior (messiah)!
The intent of the Sanhedrin was like the U.S. Supreme court in that, they were the final authority on decisions that affected the religious and political life of all Jews.
The Great Sanhedrin (Greek means 'a sitting together' or 'council')
They were able to do this while the Romans ruled over them.
-So, it was very important for those of the Sanhedrin to keep God’s people disciplined with what God had intended for them. Though, pride and all that comes with it distorted their integrity and in turn, their instruction. God's law was soon interpreted through so many stipulations that they lost the love that our Lord intended.
The Sanhedrin was the prime motivator for the torture of Jesus. They accused Jesus of blasphemy, attacked His character, and led others to believe He was a threat!
-Remember, Jesus was honored when entering Jerusalem on a donkey with people crying out “hosanna”!
-Yet, Jesus said as he passed them:
“42 saying, “Would that you, even you, had known on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. 43 For the days will come upon you when your enemies will set up a barricade around you and surround you and hem you in on every side 44 and tear you down to the ground, you and your children within you. And they will not leave one stone upon another in you, because you did not know the time of your visitation.”
(Luke 19:42-44) ESV
Jesus knew of their true hearts.
Hearts that were not planted with true love, trust, and faith in Him were instead, hearts looking from a narrow and short-term vision rather than universal love.
-They wanted Jesus to liberate them from the Romans but didn't see Him liberating them from eternal death.
When it seemed that Jesus could be put to death, they turned on Him!
From that point, it was easy for the Pharisees to portray Jesus as a heathen and blasphemer because of what the people expected and did not get.
malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, slander. Put these all away! Place them at the cross! In other words, say to Jesus, I don't want these sins or help me with the emotions that cause me to have these sinful traits.
So many of us struggle with depression that can come from loneliness, heartache, trauma, or so many other examples. Jesus has often been brushed aside as a solution. Yet, why isn't he tested as Nicodemus asked Jesus how could He be the solution? (John 3)
(Verse 2) “…like newborn infants….”
I have described an infant as selfish which can induce awkward reactions.
What I mean is that newborns are not able to provide for anyone including themselves.
Newborns, as they are delivered and then cared for do not know anything more than what can be consumed. A breath of oxygen, the mother's milk, a warm blanket, and the comforting and cradling arms will initially be all the child knows.
With this thought, a newborn baby is completely vulnerable to the world. The child receives as the environment gives.
Completely dependent and the reasoning and knowledge capabilities are either instinctual or based on their experience.
All the while, the newborn in this vulnerable state is accepting the milk of the mother, the love of the arms, the warmth, and the comforts that it gets.
Soon learning of its dependability, the goodness of the experiences, recognizing the voices that care for him or her, the smells, and soon the love that develops from the bond that provides.
In the same way, let us be like newborn infants!
When we are made new, when we surrender our lives to Christ, we are born again.
We can then let go of the malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander and seek our God.
We can then be like newborns who at first consume what He provides, but then grow in maturity. We can then recognize His voice, His guidance, and direction. We can be reassured by His loving arms through encouragement and discipline and crave His presence.
Our Father provides for us; He wants us to not seek comfort in anything other than Him. (John 14:6)
-Seek the spiritual milk that nourishes our body. (2 Cor. 1:3-4)
-Does this mean that our sins will stop? (2 Cor. 12:9)
-Of course not, but our sins will become less tempting. (James 1:12-16)
-When a newborn stops crying when in the arms of the mother, we too are comforted by the arms of Yahweh. (Psalm 23:4)
-God is good. Our Father wants to provide a rich bond that we may not have been provided here on earth. (Mark 12:29-31)
-Loving Him is not to love Him because a law commands it. Loving Him is to experience the greatest relationship we could ever have. (John 3:16)
God, I pray that those who read this are being relieved of the weight of any pressure. We pray that those pressures coming from shame, insecurities, isolation, heartache, or even separation are resolved by you. Lord, I ask that we all are reminded that nothing can escape your love and that sadness, anger, and fear will be conquered by you. Help us to depend on you and your wisdom. As we push forward, pull us into your word, and help us gain maturity through it and fellowship because of it.